Successful grant utilization in healthcare business
In today’s time, often providers are trying to battle all the fines and regulatory cost. In addition to those cost, providers are trying to stay marketable and meet the new culture change wave, but often funding can be a hindrance. This hinderance is where many providers just simply are not aware of the resources of grant funding available to them.
Agentive is here to assist with all your needs when it comes to grant research, application, utilization, and implementation. Providers are underutilizing grant resources available for them. We know that time management can be a factor in trying to accomplish the research and application process, so Agentive is here to help. In this article you will find some resources to get you started and then we can help you reach your goals, whether it be culture change, employee health, staff turnover, quality, or resident satisfaction.
When looking for grants, we suggest starting with two of the larger grant outlets. The first being through Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Civil Money Penalty (CMP) funds; Civil Money Penalty Reinvestment Program | CMS. A portion of CMPs collected from nursing homes are returned to the states in which CMPs are imposed. State CMP funds may be reinvested to support activities that benefit nursing home residents and that protect or improve their quality of care or quality of life. From the CMS CMP link above you can locate your state grant department for more information on what is currently available and deadlines. The other larger outlet with multiple funding sources is through the national resource of website; Home | GRANTS.GOV. This website also provides a lot of education and resources related to the grants. The website has a simple searchable field where you can simply search grants pertaining to your area of interest.
When considering what grants to go after, you always want to look at your goals. Many of the grants have metric and deliverable requirements. The funders of these grants want to see best practices utilized and measurable outcomes. Next, you will want to look at the resources you have available to put forth the grant to ensure proper implementation and sustainability. This is where Agentive’s experience in grant writing help you secure the funding and reach the metrics set within the terms. Agentive has assisted in many types of grants and want to share that knowledge to help you reach your goals. Grants today have broadened and allow for some unique and great opportunities, not just for resident care, but also for operations. Please contact us to find out more.